Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sooo... I've gotten called out about not blogging in my own blog.

I would say it was because I had nothing positive to blog about. It started with Girl Scout cookie season and went downhill from there.

But I guess I didn't start this blog to be all roses and sunshine. If it were that easy I would have no reason to start a blog, huh?

This shit is hard. And with all of the life adjustments I've been through over the past few months - really the past year - I'm lucky I haven't eaten myself into a coma. But I know that reprieve is only temporary if I don't get my ass into gear.

I think it might be time for some serious detox. The type that causes headaches and moodiness. Now, I could ease into it... but then I'll just be one cookie away from a sugar nap again. I gotta pray on this, I really do.

As soon as I learn how to blog from my phone, I'll post more. Can't do it from work, all blogs are blocked... ain't that some shit. Like I can't blog and work at the same time.

Toodles y'all!


  1. I understand. It seems like my mind believes that one bad move deserves another. Good luck on your journey

  2. Peace!

    I have a good news! You won the vintage bag in the Economy of Style giveaway! I can't find an email address listed on your blogs, so I hope you get this. Send me an email and I will have your vintage bag out to you in no time!

